Community Involvement

Elite Employees Volunteer in the Community:

Elite Casino Resorts has a program established at each resort location called Winning Hands. The company encourages employees to be involved throughout the communities in which they live and work. The company sponsors organized activities for employees to participate in but also encourages employees to be involved in their local school, community and church activities.

The three existing resort locations have set aside an annual budget to go towards Winning Hands. Employees are encouraged to track their volunteer hours. If employees reach over at least ten hours of service, they will be eligible to participate in the pool of funds at the end of the year to donate money to the charity of their choice based on their total hours of service out of the entire pool of hours volunteered for the company. The company then holds a breakfast inviting the employee and the charity to distribute the checks to acknowledge the employee's commitment to volunteering and also the charity.

Iowa has an Annual Give Back Challenge April 1 - May 31st for companies across the State of Iowa. Participating companies are divided into three categories based on the number of employees. Winners are selected by the highest number of volunteer hours per employee. Elite's Riverside Casino & Golf Resort® located in Riverside, IA has now won this state initiative 3 years in a row for the Large Company in the State of Iowa. This year logging in over 3,300 hours in two months.

Direct Community Impact by Elite

Elite Casino Resort's Direct Community Impact is over $80.5 Million back into the Community, over 3,800 different organizations and benefits contributed to throughout the state and region and thousands of hours donated by the employees of Elite Casino Resorts to various causes and organizations in 14 years.